עו"ד שירי לינד ומחלקת ניהול הון אישי דורגו ע"י המדריך היוקרתי Chambers HNW
המדריך כתב
Shiri Lind of M. Firon & Co. gains praise across the market for her knowledge and technical skills. She works with wealthy individuals on a range of family and inheritance law matters.
“Shiri is a very impressive and dedicated attorney who develops personal relationships with her client and becomes their true and personal adviser. I was very impressed by her abilities, dedication and sensitivity to the most delicate concerns of her client.”
“M. Firon & Co is flexible in its legal thinking and uses its many years of experience to present clients with creative solutions.”
Please see: here

המדריך כתב
Shiri Lind of M. Firon & Co. gains praise across the market for her knowledge and technical skills. She works with wealthy individuals on a range of family and inheritance law matters.
“Shiri is a very impressive and dedicated attorney who develops personal relationships with her client and becomes their true and personal adviser. I was very impressed by her abilities, dedication and sensitivity to the most delicate concerns of her client.”
“M. Firon & Co is flexible in its legal thinking and uses its many years of experience to present clients with creative solutions.”
Please see: here

גם השנה נכללו משרד פירון ועו"ד עודד אופק בין המשרדים ועוה"ד המובילים בתחום הפינטק ע"י המדריך היוקרתי CChambers and Partners FinTech
קראו עוד
המדריך היוקרתי WWL המליץ פעם נוספת על עוה"ד מזור מצקביץ ואיתן אפשטיין בתחום התחרות וההגבלים העסקיים
קראו עוד
מדריך הדירוג היוקרתי Chambers HNW דירג גם השנה את עו"ד שירי לינד ואת משרדנו בין המובילים בתחום ניהול ההון האישי
קראו עוד